For other ranks like a master vampire and grand master vampire, replace 630 at the end with 10 respectively. You can also turn this cheat into a master vampire cheat by simply changing the number at the end. It will get your vampire a rank of a prime vampire. When you want to rank up your vampire simply input this cheat: stats.Set_Stat RankedStatistic_Occult_VampireXP 630. You can also remove the vampirism of your Sim using cure vampire cheat: traits.Remove_Trait Trait_OccultVampire Vampire Rank Cheat Stats.Set_Stat Commodity_BecomingVampire 2100 – takes 1 hour before working. Stats.Set_Stat Commodity_BecomingVampire 1441 – takes 12 hours Stats.Set_Stat Commodity_BecomingVampire 721 – takes 24 hours Stats.Set_Stat Commodity_BecomingVampire 1 – it takes 36 hours before execution There are four other Sims 4 vampire cheats that turn your Sim’s vampirism on.

If you want to make your Sim a vampire, immediately, use this vampire cheat: stats.Set_Stat Commodity_BecomingVampire 2160.

You can decide the time which your Sim will take before turning into a Vampire. These cheats vampire will be effective after some time. You can induce and remove vampirism from your Sim on will. Here is some additional info for most of the cheats mentioned above: Become a Vampire Refund vampire power points and reset the power board. To use this cheat you can do one of the following. t_stat commodity_Vampire_SunExposure -100 If your Sim/Vampire died by the Sun, it converts them into a ghost Greater Mind Control Powers amd Vampire Energy Sims are more likely to give permission to Drink. If you’re unfamiliar with that then click here. Now, before you dive into the know-how of how to enter into the vampire world, know that you can use most of these cheats only once you have entered into testing cheats mode. Other areas where Vampire cheats Sims 4 can help you include getting a higher vampire rank, dying, getting more power, and acquiring certain traits. Not only that, but these Sims 4 vampire cheats also work well when you want to revert your Sim to ordinary status. However, if you want to make one of your Sims a Vampire without them being bitten by a vampire, you can do that also using Sims 4 Vampire cheats.

You can create a Vampire Sim by getting a Vampire game pack and using traditional methods of spreading this state. These cheat codes are compatible with all platforms i.e PC, Xbox, and Playstation. But you can fulfill your aspiration in Sims 4. Do you have a weird secrete aspiration to become a vampire? No, we are not telling you any method to become a vampire in real life.