The Ninja mod was added to the popular gaming mod website, GameBanana, and was posted by user CashClay.

Related: Super Smash Bros Ultimate: Halo's Master Chief Should Join As A DLC Character While characters such as Peter Griffin from Family Guy have been modded into Super Smash Bros Ultimate already, the Ninja skin for Snake looks and sounds as if it were made by Masahiro Sakurai himself. Mods are developed to add anything from music, to minor skin changes, to complete re-skins of characters. Melee on their computers and were later able to add mods to Super Smash Bros Brawl directly to their console with the use of the Wii's SD card reader. Players started by modding ROMs of Super Smash Bros. Modding different characters into Smash Bros games is nothing new to the Smash community.

This skin includes custom voice lines ripped from some of Ninja's most memorable streaming moments, and it is mapped to Snake's body almost too perfectly.

More specifically, Ninja's Fortnite skin hs been modded into the game as an additional skin for Snake from the Metal Gear Solid franchise. A modder in the Super Smash Bros Ultimate community has added world-famous streamer, Tyler "Ninja" Blevins, to the game's massive roster of playable fighters.